RIDE! Saturday, April 13! Meet at Seaweed at 10:00, KSU at 10:30 sharp. We are heading out to the old pony express trail past Agua Caliente to @dylmarphoto ‘s birthday desert celebration. There will be dirt bikes there we can rip around on for a bit and also I will have LUNCH and beers and drinks there waiting for us!! So let me know if you’re planning on coming to a get a head count! I’ll get extra, so no pressure. We will head back and get back around 4 or 5ish. If you don’t have all day to ride sometimes people will do the first part of the ride, then peel off along the way.#letsride #desertride #mototrip#caferacer #leucadia
Great turn out for this ride! Here are some amazing shots o the ride!

Getting Lost is part of the experience.

We found our friends in Plaster City!

Took some rips around on a dirt bike and then got back on the road for the ride back with a stop at Nickel Brewing in Julian.